Thursday, May 14, 2009


So in doing this page from last Valentines Day, I got to see how much Kate has changed in little over a year. Yesterday, I asked her if she wanted to have eggs or yogurt for breakfast. She said, "Just Juice". I didn't really respond, but usually can get around her answers if I give her something completely different. So I started to whip up some oatmeal. She saw me and said, "What are you doing?" and I told her, "I am making you some oatmeal for breakfast." She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Juusst Juuicce" like I was slow and didn't understand her the first time. It was all I could do not to die laughing, but I kept it in pretty good, not wanting to make her think it was cool to treat mom like the rainman. Oh, to be back to sweeter more innocent days. My Mom says it's not going to get any better. This was done with the Welcome Home Kit and Alpha by Erica Zane.

1 comment:

Li said...

So cute! She looks so little! And watch out if she's getting an attitude already! :)