Monday, March 22, 2010

Choo Choo

I have been in a scrapping mood lately, which is awesome, but I should also be packing, so...I try and rationalize that I don't want to get too far behind. Here's a page for Luke's book that is for last weeks Tuesday Template Challenge at SM. Click the pic for credits.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Final ADSR Challenges

This was the last week for ADSR. It's kinda bittersweet. I love having challenges to inspire me to scrap and it's been fun coordinating with Li. Here is the last "page" I did using Beautiful You by Plum Dumpling Designs. It is a really cute kit, and I plan on doing most of Kate's birthday with it, because it matches her in all her princess glory so well. Have a great week, and happy scrappin!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I am trying to stay on top of 2009, and since Kate's birthday could be a book by itself, I thought it would be good to do a page from it using Jennifer Barrette's Ever After. Completely accurate since she had a princess themed bash, and this was even the before party party. We love our grandpa, who happens to turn 51 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Dad!

This second page was done for ADSR Challenge #10, using A Boy's World by Sarah Bennett. Li and I had to do a page together with what inspires us. Well, it's our kiddos ofcourse. I think of all I love to do that makes me me, and it's to take care of them, make them happy, and help them remember all that we've done together. Such inspiration.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have been having a blast doing the ADSR with Li. Here are some of the pages that I've been working on this week. Love Sarah Bennett's new kit by the way. It really is awesome! You can click on the preview to see the rest of the credits! Scrap on!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Feeling Spunky?

Such cuteness! It's available today at SM. Click the preview below to get to her store!

Sarah Bennett has a new kit out today! It's super cute and you can use it for either a boy or a girl. I did a page with it for Luke from our first trip to the park a few weeks ago. It's been a long winter folks.

She has a freebie on the CT Blog, so if you click this link below you can get to that post...
She is also in the process of changing stores, and is re-releasing some products that have already been available. Sister Sue is one of those kits, and I did a page a week or so with it for the ADSR last week just because it worked so well with my pictures. This kit is so girlie and fun, what better to match with toe painting?

Happy Scrapping everyone! Have a great weekend!